Hair Loss Remedies | Simple Ways To Beat Hair Loss & Encourage Hair Growth
Hair Loss Home Remedies That Work
hile hair loss is not at all life threatening, it is still among the most worrying condition for both men and women. Sadly, with the thousands upon thousands of websites and articles written on hair loss, millions still have to hide their balding scalps beneath scarves and hats and hope that the next best thing they try will be the one to solve their woes.But why, with all the remedies available today, do people still need to suffer from hair loss? Are these remedies ineffective? The real reason that most people are unable to find a proper treatment for their bald spot is not that the remedy was ineffective but because of a lack of understanding about hair loss, its causes and the proper way to treat it. These are topics that will be discussed in this guide.
Causes Of Hair Loss & The Proper Treatments

1) Heredity. The majority of people suffer from hair loss due to a genetic trait inherited from either one or both of their parents. While there is no remedy or treatment currently available to correct such a heredity trait, you could try out one of the remedies in the next section to encourage healthy hair growth.
2) Post-surgery hair loss. A lot of patients suffer from hair loss after a major surgery or illness. This is due to the stress that the body had to endure during the trauma or illness. In most cases, normal hair growth resumes once the body is relieved of the stress.
3. Post-natal hair loss. Women tend to lose their hair excessively about three months after giving birth. During pregnancy, hormones are secreted by the body to prevent any hair loss. After giving birth, the body no longer produce these hormones which then causes hair to shed excessively. This condition will usually abate after a few months when the body has adjusted to its normal hormone levels.
4. Medication. Certain medication are known to cause excessive hair loss. These include anti-coagulants (blood thinning medicines), anti-depressants, chemotherapy for cancer, excessive intake of vitamin A, gout medication and birth control pills. Normal hair growth resumes once you are no longer taking these medication.
5) Hormonal imbalance. A hyperactive or hypoactive thyroid can cause hormonal imbalance which will lead to hair loss. At times, hormone imbalance in teenagers could also cause hair loss though this is quite rare. Normal hair growth resumes once the hormones are in balance through proper diet, exercise and supplement intake.
6) Fungal infection. Fungal infection to the scalp cause rapid hair loss in the infected area. A good anti-fungal treatment will relieve the infection quickly and allow hair to regrow in the bald area.
While these are not the only causes for rapid hair loss, these are the main causes. Knowing the reason behind your loss of hair could help you f